Saturday, March 12, 2011

sa d rumah pula ni... ha5

saya mau menaip la...
sa mo ctau ni ....
semalam sa nek bus..
sa tetido ...
tiba2 sa tebangun
sebab sa rasa ada urg main hidung sa
tapi mimpi pula.. hahahhaa
sa rindu la juga ada org main idung sa ni .. hahhaa

trus ada perkara pelik lagi la...

  1. sa lambat tau pasal tsunami d jepun (lol)
  2. sa nda sedar sa sudah sampai time d bus..
  3. sa telupa ni hari hari sabtu
  4. sa tetidur n baru tbangun
  5. sa tidak dapat p karoeke bersama dengan nenek.. hahahha
nda pelik pun kan ..
p kalo sa pelik la tu ..
ok la..
mo p mongilagup lu ah .. hahaha
lol ..

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

life is a story
that should be recorded
every time..

the light does help you creating great moment

place and time means nothing when its come to friendship..
you can be a young mom... or practicing to be a mom

record your memory because someday you will forget..

three is good but four is marvelous ..

life without sharing is sad..

see.... a new post . :)