Friday, December 13, 2013

You ... (^^,)

Seeking through the past year
You are just friend
but don't worry 
you are a lovely friend to start with.

But those walks and talks
the "play" and laughs... 
Make me wonder
Would there be any chance..
of you and me

But now it turn out to be
I resist my eager hand from send you messages
I trying to spell "the word" right
and trying to forget you 
above all those things..
I always fail to do that 
like all the time I mean 
ALL the time

But it is indeed a sweet failure
You are precious to me 
because you ...
you are..
"The greatest gift from God to me"


Clare Cheal Ared JC. said...

You are the greatest gift from God. ^^
When will be my turn..

Winnie Irene said...

wau. hehe

b0m^2 said...

Clare> Hehehe sabar... :)
Auntie Winnie> ahhaha beginilah ni hahaha