Sunday, May 13, 2012

Shooting A Target

nah .. i know a few language and i am confused to use which one

(in Bahasa)
"Kalau hari ini kita berhenti kita tidak tau apa yang ada di hari esok :)"

(in English)
" Empty heart is not good. God itself have said that WE must Love each other... fill your heart with love, not anger or revenge"

(in French [no google translate])
"avec moi ou non, tu es encore un ami de moi :)"

(in Dusun)
"sorou-sorohonku iya, id nunu nopo manganku, giak id ginawoku di oruol pinalabusku miampai do tirak,
siou dia tu amu oku insan mumbal minoposunud dia"

(in Northwest Bajau)
"amun uun jomo basanang-sanang, ngia pan kito terati atai jomo e"

Anyway.. life is full of challenges... you may face them and know something new or run and leave something 
spectaculaire beyond the challenges.

Be strong, and move on.

Dedicated to Myself and to others..


missandreaaundrea said...

siuk mo baca. tambah translation bahasa len g ^^

b0m^2 said...

hehehe ko paham ma tu ?? hahaha