Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Life recently

First of all the only thing I could say
I'm sorry if any of my act and my words
hurt you.
Its never been in my though
to make you hurt or sad or anything bad

Losing my friend, my companion
or anybody is my greatest fear
because you'll never know how to live alone,
emptiness, loneliness
its hurt more than a deep cut on your hand

Let me say this, 
let me say hello to you in smiles
just like day before
and make your laugh,
the greatest song in my ear

There something you couldn't understand
that all this time, I'm just looking for someone,
to hear me and make me feel better
and I've found them, and you is one of "them"
forgive me


Allyn Rosa said...

hey friend.. :) hope you're okay..

b0m^2 said...
